With just a few simple materials and your own turkey, you can challenge your child’s problem-solving skills with this low-prep challenge!
STEAM Challenge: How tall can you build a turkey tower?
Materials: Blocks, Turkey, Measuring tape (optional)
Ask: How tall can you build a turkey tower?
Imagine: What are different ways you can build a tower using the provided materials?
Plan: How are you going to stack your blocks to build a tower and balance your turkey on top?
Create: Build your tower.
Experiment/Improve/Redesign: How can you improve your tower? Can you make it even taller?
Share: Take a digital photo of your turkey balancing on top of your tower.
STEAM Integrations
Science: What happens when your tower is knocked over?
Technology: What tools and machines help people build large towers?
Engineering: Build a tower that can hold your turkey.
Art: Draw a picture of how your turkey will get down from the tower.
Math: Measure the height of your tower.
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Great activities, amazing , love it we will try in my class.
Thank You
Gloria M