STEAM Challenge #1: Can you build an imaginary animal inspired by If I Ran the Zoo?
- Play Dough
- Plastic Animal
- Fun Craft Supplies (like jewels, googly eyes, bits of yarn, feathers)
Step 1: Design your Seuss-inspired zoo animal by covering your plastic animal with play dough.
In the book, we see a lion with 10 legs. How many body parts does your animal have?
Step 2: Add details to your animal with the remaining craft supplies.
Step 3: Give your animal a name and tell a story about what it likes to eat and where it likes to live.
STEAM Challenge #2: Can you build a cage that fits your animal?
Materials: Blocks, Craft Sticks
Use the materials to build a cage or zoo habitat for your animal!
Collaborate together and build the most remarkable zoo!
A building challenge is a great opportunity to introduce your students to the Engineer Design Process.
Like the scientific method, the engineer design process is a framework to solve a problem.
The steps are not always done “step by step” but rather in a cycle especially between create, experiment, and improve!
To apply the process to this challenge it may look something like this…
ASK: What is the problem?
I need to build a cage for my animal.
IMAGINE: What are the possible solutions?
Brainstorm different ideas about cages for animals. Maybe even research different zoo habitats.
PLAN: What will your solution look like?
Draw different ideas and plans for your cage.
CREATE: Build the cage
EXPERIMENT: Test Your Solution
Put your animal in the cage. Does it fit?
IMPROVE: How can you make it better?
What can you do to make your cage sturdier or a better fit for your animal?
(This is where you may repeat the Create, Experiment, and Improve steps).
Once you are satisfied with your design SHARE your results!
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