Math Activities for Preschoolers don’t always have to be worksheets. Incorporating counting into children’s play is an easy way to reinforce math skills. Hands-on play is the best way for young children to learn!
This math activity compliments our Storytime STEAM series inspired by the book Chicka Chicka Boom, Boom.
STEAM is the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Integrating STEAM based play is an easy and innovative way to enrich your preschooler’s learning. Opportunities for hands-on play with different materials will allow your child to learn and extend their knowledge and creative thinking skills.
Read below for an easy way to play with alphabet letters while working on counting!
STEAM Challenge: How many magnetic letters fit on your alphabet tree?
Materials: Magnetic Alphabet Letters, Can
Optional: Brown construction paper and Green tissue paper
If you are using this activity after reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom you may wish to dress up the can to look like a tree!
Wrap brown construction paper around the can and add green tissue paper to the top (or better yet…give the challenge of disguising the can as tree to your children)!
Arrange the materials in an inviting way for the children to explore and play.
First give time for children to explore the materials and how the magnetic letters stick to the can. After allowing time to play, challenge the children to count how many letters can they fit on the alphabet tree.
STEAM Extensions:
Graph how many letters each child put on the can.
Sort the Alphabet Letters by color or upper and lower case.
What happens if you stack two cans together? How does that change how many letters fit on the tree?
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