Explore magnets in an easy hands-on way with this science meets art activity for preschoolers. STEAM activities for preschoolers is an easy way to engage your young learner while fostering a creative mindset.
STEAM is the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math
With STEAM activities the final product of the activity is not as important as the process. Through the process of experimenting and exploring your child is using creative and critical thinking skills.
Scientists, mathematicians, engineers and artists all use the same critical thinking skills to find new and innovative solutions.

Materials: Magnetic Alphabet Letters, Liquid Watercolors, Paper Plate, Strong Magnet or Magnet Wand

Squirt the paint directly onto the paper plate. Place the magnet in one hand underneath the plate while holding the plate with your other hand. Try to move the magnetic alphabet letters around using the magnet.

Science Extension: Can you mix two colors to create a new color?
Art Extension: Once you are finished with painting try using the alphabet letters to stamp a work of art!

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