In the imaginative world of children, a simple set of blocks can transform into a towering skyscraper, a majestic castle, or a futuristic city. Through hands-on …
[Read more...] about Mighty Mini Architects: Building Dreams with STEAM
STEAM Activities for Preschoolers
In the imaginative world of children, a simple set of blocks can transform into a towering skyscraper, a majestic castle, or a futuristic city. Through hands-on …
[Read more...] about Mighty Mini Architects: Building Dreams with STEAM
Rainbows are more than just beautiful; they're a fun and easy way to learn about science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). In this blog post, …
[Read more...] about Discover the Magic of Rainbows: STEAM for Preschoolers
Give St. Patrick's Day a twist—by integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) into your celebrations. St. Patrick's Day …
[Read more...] about Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with STEAM Activities for Preschoolers
At Preschool STEAM we help educators create STEAM experiences that encourage children to be curious, to wonder, to be innovators and to learn through hands-on play.