This is a halloween classic for that many ages can enjoy. Fun action painting to create a web.

Black Paper
White Paint
Plastic Bag
Small Ball or Marble
Container (size of your paper)
Plastic Spider (optional)
Step 1: Prepare to paint
Dip the ball in white paint. The easiest non-messy way we found to do this was to pour some white paint into a plastic baggie and drop the ball in. Squish the ball around until it is coated with the white paint. Without touching the ball drop on to your paper that is placed inside a container. We used a plastic drawer that just fits a 8.5″ x 11″ paper. Foil baking pans work great too.
Step 2: Action Paint!
In the photo below, my two year old demonstrating how to roll the ball back and forth to create the spider web. I have found older children enjoy this step as much as the younger ones.
Step 3: Accessorize your Web
Let the paint dry, and add your finishing details. We cut a scalloped edge and added a plastic spider.
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