What is a 5 Day Challenge?
For five days we will provide five different strategies on how you can transform your existing preschool centers to make them “STEAMy”! Integrating STEAM into your preschool centers is an easy way to get started with STEAM!
Day 1: STEAM + Literacy Center
Day 2: STEAM + Science/Math/Art Center
Day 3: STEAM + Block/Building Center
Day 4: STEAM + Sensory/Discovery Center
Day 5: How to use your centers to create a STEAM experience that keeps your student engaged in learning
When does the challenge start?
The challenge will kick off on Monday, October 22nd, 2018.
What do I need for the challenge?
A valid email address and internet access. A Facebook account if you wish to join the private pop up group (this is optional).
Why is there a $5.00 cost for the challenge?
We have run several challenges before and we’ve found that by charging a small fee it helps you take action and be accountable! By investing in the challenge you are investing in yourself and your students!
Can I get a certificate for the training?
We will offer a certificate of completion at the end of the challenge (for those that participate)!
Click Here to Join the Challenge
What other educators have said about the challenge:
“Thank you for the great information & valuable resources you have given us this week.”
“Thank you for all the inspiration! I feel more confident with STEAM”