How many rocks can you balance to create a rock sculpture?
Inspired by the artist Michael Grab create your rock sculpture by balancing different rocks.
Watch the video below to see Michael Grab’s work in action. Some of our favorite parts of the video: :55, 1:40, 2:45 And my six-year old’s favorite part…the rocks falling 4:28
Materials: Rocks
Step 1: Collect rocks. Try to find a variety of shapes and sizes.
Step 2: Stack the rocks on top of each other to create a balanced rock sculpture.
How many rocks are you able to balance?
Tech Extension: Record your sculpture with a digital camera.
Art Extension: Draw your rock sculpture on paper. Create a scene or imaginative story about your rock sculpture.
Math Extension: Measure your sculpture with a tape measure or ruler. How tall can you build your sculpture? To learn more about how to learn with rocks
check out our Science Rocks! post:
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